we have a winner!! i wrote all the names on paper and had my son draw to find out who won! 'heyheypaula' please send me your snail mail address and i will get your goodies out to you! my email is emilymaeanderson@gmail.com. thanks! and THANK YOU to all of you for such nice comments...it made my day reading all of those! and for those of you who had blogs, i really enjoyed checking out all of your creations as well! thanks a ton!

well, here is a quick creation i made last night...a girl in my youth group is turning 18 tomorrow! so, i wanted to make a cute card for her...hope she likes it!
i've got to run to get the kids to school and then i am off to get my hair colored and cut! ahhhh, i can't wait!!!
have a great day and thanks for stopping by!