i can't believe that it's november and keith and the kids are playing outside! i mean, it's a little chilly, but normally we are inside from like november to april...it's just too darn cold! well, i am trying to get prepared for our trip to california (we leave the day before thanksgiving). yah, i am not looking forward to flying with 3 children, the night before thanksgiving...can you say stressful? i just am hoping that our flight is on time...that everything goes smoothly, to get us to cali on time...delays in flights do not work well with toddlers. i can only imagine being stuck with 3 children for like hours in the airport. yikes! the germs too...yuck. anyways...we'll see how it goes. this will be milo's first trip to see the anderson family! i know they are excited to meet him...we can't wait! and, other super exciting news...i will be seeing 'so you think you can dance' AGAIN!!! yup, it's my mother-in-law's fave show as well, so we will be going to see them, while we are in sacramento...i'm stoked!
a place for me to unleash my thoughts (and hopefully my creativity) while my kids are sleeping!