
filled with joy

well, WE MADE IT!!! we left bright and early this morning at 7:00 (kc time) and arrived in colorado at 5:15 (co time). amazingly, it was a great trip! the kids did a fantastic job for having to sit in their car seats for 10 hours! as soon as we got here though, they were bouncing off the walls they were so hyper...yah, hannah probably thinks my kids are crazy! i'm all "hi, we're here...and 2 minutes later her house is destroyed!" but seriously, she is great...and i'm so glad to be out here and spending some time with her!
we had a portable dvd player...i hope the the person who invented the portable dvd player is rolling around naked, in their millions of dollars. for real, they deserve it. it worked for 2 movies and then the batteries died though...and we had no car adaptor, so the kids listened to music, read books...fought a little bit and slept. our stops took about 45 minutes each, cause we had to pile out of the car, go to the bathroom, come back, change diapers, feed milo, get gas, and usually change milo one more time...the stops took a lot longer than i thought they would, but seriously, it was a great trip...and i encourage you all to take a road trip sometime!!
well, i am off to bed...i hope to get a good night's rest...my kids crashed as soon as they laid down! thanks for all your prayers and thoughts!
oh yah, and this is a page i made at the crop...it's one of the many that i will make using the pictures that the fabulous photog, allyson, took for me! she is great!
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